Restorative Dentistry


Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. These long-lasting restorations can prevent bone loss and preserve the shape of your face, all while giving you the ability to chew and speak comfortably. Dr. Cook has completed extensive training in cosmetic restorations of dental implants.


If you’ve had a tooth extracted, a dental bridge can be used to replace a missing tooth, and it uses the teeth on either side as anchor teeth. A crown is placed in between these to restore your smile. Ceramic crowns can be used to provide strength and fortification to teeth after root canals or serious decay. At Broadwater Dental, we use the best dental technology available for creating ceramic crowns and performing tooth bonding treatments. We also provide composite, tooth-colored fillings, one visit crown restorations 3-D print models, night guards and clear retainers

SureSmile® Clear Tray Orthodontics

A comfortable fit from the first aligner to the last. Our aligners are custom made using advanced technology and proven materials. Reduce the number of attachments with our straight trimline that has a positive effect on force transmission.

SureSmile® Aligners are made by experts using the latest technology and proven materials. Unique features allow for personalization for even the most challenging cases. Precise processing of the data and thorough quality control ensure outstanding fit, excellent durability, and aligners so transparent they’re hard to detect.